What (and who) is Diamond H Publishing?

Diamond H Publishing is the "publishing umbrella" and online store of Suzie O'Connell (that's me), USA Today bestselling author of heartwarming small town contemporary romances, and my soon-to-launched high fantasy alter-ego, Kate Aneth.

Why Diamond H?

Simply put, Diamond H is our registered cattle brand, and since I love my cows and they've become such a fan favorite with my readers, it felt like the right name for my publishing umbrella and online store. And I happen to think it looks spiffy on the spines of my books, too.

  • Suzie O'Connell

    USA Today bestselling author of small town contemporary romances including the Northstar series and the Sea Glass Cove duet. How best to describe my books under this pen name? Deeply felt, heartwarming love stories—the kinds of stories that feel like coming home. Occasionally spiced with a touch of suspense. Want to know more?

    Visit Suzie's Website 
  • Kate Aneth

    Soon-to-be author of character-driven high fantasy (because the real world doesn't have dragons… and I love dragons). Confession time: even though I've made my writing career (so far) in small town romance, high fantasy is still and has always been my first love. There's something thrilling about creating entire worlds. Want to know more?

    Visit Kate's Website 
  • Authorpreneur

    In addition to writing in two genres, I also design covers for other authors, co-founded and co-admin the author group Wide for the Win, and run the 100 Days Writing Challenge over on Facebook. And when I'm not doing any of that, I'm usually helping my hubby build log furniture, spoiling my cows, dogs, and cats, and indulging in yet another creative outlet: photography (mostly landscapes).